Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of WS, WSC, ARY, ASAX, ASCX, ARMX, ARO, AP?, X

File Type:Microsoft Windows script file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:File extension is used by Microsoft Windows. File contains Windows scripts.
Open Programs:

Microsoft Windows

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows is a family of operating systems by Microsoft. They can run on several types of platforms such as servers, embedded devices and, most typically, on personal computers. Microsoft first introduced an operating environment named Windows in November 1985 as an add-on to MS-DOS in response to the growing trend of graphical user interfaces (GUI) popularized by the Macintosh. Microsoft Windows eventually came to dominate the world's personal computer market.

File Type:Microsoft Windows scripting component file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:Windows Script Components (WSC), formerly known as Scriplets, is a technology for developing powerful COM components in an easy fashion. WSC's can be authored in any scripting language that has implemented the ActiveX Scripting Interfaces, which means that units of PerlScript code can be encapsulated as Windows Script Components.

Mime: text/scriptlet
Open Programs:

Microsoft Windows

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows is a family of operating systems by Microsoft. They can run on several types of platforms such as servers, embedded devices and, most typically, on personal computers. Microsoft first introduced an operating environment named Windows in November 1985 as an add-on to MS-DOS in response to the growing trend of graphical user interfaces (GUI) popularized by the Macintosh. Microsoft Windows eventually came to dominate the world's personal computer market.

File Type:SmartStart scripting toolkit file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:SmartStart streamlines single-server setup, providing a faster way to deploy reliable and consistent server configurations.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.


SmartStart provides step-by-step ProLiant server deployment assistance. From array configuration and operating system installation to the update of optimized ProLiant server support software, SmartStart ensures a stable and reliable configuration.
Included in the ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack, SmartStart works with all ProLiant ML and DL 300, 500, and 700 series and BladeSystem (BL) servers.

File Type:ASP.NET source file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:Microsoft ASP.NET is a free technology that allows programmers to create dynamic web applications.
Open Programs:

Microsoft Visual Studio

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

New tools tailored to help you take on your software development challenges.

Visual Studio provides a range of tools that offer many benefits for individual developers and software development teams:

  • Be more productive and obtain faster results
  • Build dynamic Windows, Web, mobile, and Office-based solutions
  • Communicate and collaborate more effectively within your software teams
  • Ensure quality early and often throughout the development process
File Type:Active Server Plus page web user control
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:Fully user controlled part of ASPX web page. Part of Microsoft .NET.
Open Programs:

Microsoft Visual Studio

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

New tools tailored to help you take on your software development challenges.

Visual Studio provides a range of tools that offer many benefits for individual developers and software development teams:

  • Be more productive and obtain faster results
  • Build dynamic Windows, Web, mobile, and Office-based solutions
  • Communicate and collaborate more effectively within your software teams
  • Ensure quality early and often throughout the development process
File Type:Source file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:File extension used by ASP.NET
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

ASP.NET makes building real world Web applications dramatically easier. ASP.NET server controls enable an HTML-like style of declarative programming that lets you build great pages with far less code than with classic ASP or technologies like PHP or JSP. Best of all, ASP.NET pages work in all browsers – including Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Internet Explorer.
File Type:SteelArrow script file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:File extension used by SteelArrow.
SteelArrow is a complete web application server. The software is similar in function to ColdFusion and PHP. It offers developers the ability to create web applications in a rapid application development style. The completely tag based language is easy to learn and is extremely powerful.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Tomahawk Technologies Inc.


SteelArrow is an easy to use Web Application Server offering the latest in Internet connectivity and dynamic content development.
It includes a feature rich HTML embedded markup scripting language and SteelArrow Studio, a SteelArrow and HTML editor with easy to use Database and HTML-Table wizards to allow dynamic content to be developed in a snap.
SteelArrow offers developers full web application development functionality and a fully tested run time reliability. Operating as an extension (on WinNT/2K) to Microsoft IIS, Apache and Netscape Enterprise servers thus providing a truly scalable and cost effective solution.


  • dynamic file creation
  • XML and WAP
  • exception handling
  • script encryption for secure distribution
  • database connectivity
  • automated eMail and eNews
  • COM automation
  • web site mirroring
  • timed script execution
  • database connection and session pooling
  • data scraping from other web pages
  • user and group level security
  • integrated page statistics
  • integrated user authentication
  • Java application support
  • full FTP support
File Type:LoseThos C+ source file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:File extension used by LoseThos. C+ source files meant to be included into the Adam Task.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Terry A. Davis


LoseThos is for programming as entertainment. It empowers programmers with kernel privilege because it's fun. It allows full access to everything because it's fun. It has no bureaucracy because it's fun. It's the way it is by choice because it's fun. Don't you hate ninnies who harp on the point of overusing an admin account? Not having kernel privilege, for a programmer, is like not having an admin password on your own computer!

LoseThos is in no way a Windows or Linux wannabe -- that would be pointless. LoseThos is not trying to win a prize for low resource usage or run on pathetic hardware. Low line count is a goal, though. It's 100,000 lines of code including a 64-bit compiler, tools and a graphics library.

A bigger goal is making applications low line count. "Hello World" takes one line of code. You can put graphics on the screen with two lines of code. You don't need to include header files or mess with namespaces. It has a scoping system, though, with tasks inheriting symbols of parents and all system-wide symbols and code in the Adam (as in Eve) task's heap.

LoseThos uses some tricks to keep line count down, like processing whole files. It has a flat, identity mapped virtual-to-physical address map, the same for all tasks. It updates the whole screen 60 times a second instead of trying to keep track of what has changed. The most demanding application is a full screen video game, so it might as well be optimize for that instead of trying to get idle low. It uses the same compiler for the command line as for programs and it uses the same viewer/editor for the command line, help system, forms and dialogs.

LoseThos is not trying to be bullet-proof -- it's for home computers, not mainframes where many users suffer when a crash occurs. It reboots in 2 seconds plus BIOS time. It's no worse than a hung task in Windows or Linux. I know people obsess on this topic. You know how the last 20% of a project takes 80% of the time? LoseThos is an order of magnitude simpler by not trying to be bullet-proof.

There are two programmers who will work on LoseThos -- the user and I. It is for programming as entertainment, and I mean that. Why would you buy a 3rd party program to run on a system with crappy graphics that can crash? There are no scalablity issues. Imagine LoseThos more similar in usage to a 8-bit non-networked home computer's ROM than to Windows or Linux, though, it is 64-bit and far more than that. You are free to access anything documented or undocumented in the system source code -- have fun! I have fond memories of the days when average users typed-in programs from magazines and tinkered with them.

LoseThos was designed from scratch with a clean slate and has no compatibility with anything else. Source code is ASCII plus binary graphics data. It has a new language roughly based C/C++. It's more than C and less than C++ so, maybe, it's C+. I took every opportunity to improve things once I made a clean break with the past. That's another reason LoseThos has value -- it is innovative.

File Type:Lex language source code
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:Source code written in the Lex programming language (a standard lexical analyzer for Unix). May be processed with the lex utility included with most Unix distributions to generate a C program.
Open Programs:

Flex for Windows

Company / developer:
  Flex Project

Flex is a fast lexical analyser generator. It is a tool for generating programs that perform pattern-matching on text. There are many applications for Flex, including writing compilers in conjunction with GNU Bison. Flex is a free implementation of the well known Lex program. It features a Lex compatibility mode, and also provides several new features such as exclusive start conditions.

File Type:XBLite source code file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:File contains source code written in XBLite programming language.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  David Szafranski

XBLite is an offshoot of the XBasic programming language. The XBLite compiler translates programs from source form into assembly language. From this point, conventional tools build the final executable program or DLL library. The XBLite compiler will work on all Windows platforms including Win98, NT, 2000, XP, and Vista.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC